Samira Hussein
Sophomore (transferred to University of Missouri)
School of Sciences
Independent University, Bangladesh
March 23rd, 2019
Gold is associated by most people with jewelry, and in
regions like South Asia, it remains a regular item of gift exchange. Cacao on
the other hand is known to us as the source of chocolate. Who would have
thought that cacao powder could help in the synthesis of gold nanoparticles? It
sounds a bit strange, but a group of scientists have managed to make it happen.
To begin with, we ought to know about nanoparticles; these
are extremely tiny particles, about 1 to 100nm in size. Nanoparticles of gold
(AuNPs), which form a colloidal suspension in water and other fluids, have been
shown to have unique electronic and optical properties, making them useful in a
number of applications. AuNPs enhance contrast and thereby enable better
visualization of cells and tissues for spotting signs of inflammation, cancer,
or other diseases. The large surface area-to-volume ratio of the nanoparticles
allows hundreds of molecules of a drug (alongside antibodies that target the
particles to the right tissues) to be coated onto their surfaces for efficient
delivery. In photodynamic therapy, gold nanoparticles delivered to a specific
site, such as a tumor, can be excited by light of specific wavelengths to
produce heat (to kill the tumor cells, in this instance).
Traditional methods of synthesizing AuNPs have been plagued
by challenging limitations such as toxic byproducts and complex reaction
parameters. A recent study published in the journal Nanoparticles by Roy
Chowdhury et al. tried to overcome these problems by using cacao extract, that
has both reducing and stabilizing properties, in the synthesis of AuNPs.
Previous work had demonstrated a key advantage of using plant extracts and
microbes for biosynthesis over older approaches using inorganic chemicals: the
biological agents and their byproducts are generally not toxic to human and
other mammalian cells, as well as the environment.
Schematic of the process provided in the paper
In their experiments, the scientists incubated hydrogen
tetrachloroaurate, (HAuCl4), a gold-containing compound, with different
concentrations of cacao extract at 100 ̊C. UV-visible spectroscopy was used to
monitor the progress of the synthesized AuNPs, alongside other characterization
methods. UV-visible spectroscopy measures the absorbance of molecules when hit
with light of the ultraviolet and visible electromagnetic spectra, and
different structures produce different absorbance peaks. They determined that
increasing the concentration of cacao extract beyond a certain point promoted
aggregation in the suspension.
Following the determination of the appropriate concentration
of cacao extract, they employed a technique called dynamic light scattering
(DLS) to measure the diameters of the particles produced. In this technique,
light, usually a laser, is shot through a suspension of particles in a solvent,
and the resulting scatter indicates what sizes of particles are present in the
suspension. They also measured the zeta potential of the products, which was
the potential difference the surface of the particles and the water they were
immersed in. The zeta potential is predictive of the colloidal stability;
nanoparticles with zeta potential values greater than +25 mV or less than -25
mV typically have high degrees of stability. The zeta potential of
non-aggregated AuNPs (which were produced at the lower concentrations of cacao
extract) were between -11mV to -17mV, indicating the stability of the
suspensions. Indeed, these suspensions were so stable that even after a month,
no particle agglomeration was observed.
The scientists then used transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) to observe the morphology, and measure the size of the particles. In TEM,
electrons are blasted through the specimen. The specimen scatters the
electrons, and an image of the specimen is interpreted from the pattern of
scattering of the electrons by the specimen. The morphology results indicated
that most of the AuNPs were spherical and crystalline, and confirmed that there
was no aggregation in the samples. The numerical values of the measured sizes
obtained from DLS and TEM showed some differences owing to the different
principles employed in the techniques, but this did not change the essential
conclusion that this method of synthesis was successfully producing
non-aggregating gold nanoparticles. Lastly, to detect the presence of any toxic
byproducts, the synthesized gold nanoparticles were administered to cultured
human dermal fibroblasts, which are normally present in a layer of skin. The
cells were not adversely affected.
The one-pot synthesis of biocompatible, spherical, and crystalline
AuNPs is a promising breakthrough in the field. So, why does cacao work for
this? Cacao contains a chemical called oxalic acid, which reduces the Au3+ in
hydrogen tetrachloroaurate to metallic gold, and subsequently stabilizes the
product by preventing agglomeration. This simple yet elegant biosynthesis could
be part of a revolution in the production of nanoparticles.
Samira writes:
Samira writes:
"Completing two semesters in IUB, I realized my passion for
knowing the unknown in the biological sciences. It excites my nerves high way beyond the
threshold level. I like to read biomedical papers, and hope to join the medical field or go into research in the biomedical sciences."
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