Biotechnology: A Promising Investment Opportunity

A.B.M. Mushfiq-Uz-Zaman
Department of Marketing
School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh

Are you already intrigued because the term “biotechnology” seems apocalyptic to you, as if this tech is a mad scientist’s brainchild with which they want to take over the world? Assuming the readers are somewhat equally divided between “I have no idea what I am reading” and “This is 2018, I know stuff”, I shall try to enlighten both stakeholders by defining biotechnology in simple terms.

Biotechnology in a nutshell means creating products using living systems and organisms. How do they do it? Well, it is done without altering Mother Nature’s usual flow of getting things done. Today’s world comprises of too many chemically aided goods, disrupting the natural balance of our eco system and resulting in pure havoc. Biotechnology can alter this scenario and a gradual development in different fields of biotechnology, such as biomedical engineering, bioengineering, bio manufacturing, molecular engineering and etc. can eventually lead to a more sustainable future for mother Earth.

To figure out the prospects of these promising fields and their probable growth through sufficient investment, we need to dig deeper into the science of biology and see how a combination of science and business can change the world both ethically and profitably.

Gene Therapy

Human gene transfer or gene therapy is a form of treatment for diseases where a patient undergoes therapy as nucleic acid is delivered into their cell. Nucleic acids are small biomolecules essential to all forms of life. Two principal nucleic acids are RNA and DNA which are found in abundance in all living things, where they function to create and encode and then store information in the nucleus of every living cell of every life-form organism on Earth.

On experimental basis, gene therapy was used to treat complex diseases such as acute lymphocytic leukemia, Parkinson’s disease and etc. where US companies invested over $600 million between 2013 and 2014 in the field. In 2013, the first commercial gene therapy was approved in China which was used to treat certain cancers. The following years have seen growth in gene therapy acceptance as Russia in 2011 treated peripheral artery disease whilst in 2012, “Glybera”, a treatment for a rare inherited disorder, became the first treatment to be approved for clinical use in either Europe or the United States after its endorsement by the European Commission.

It is not like gene transfer can only happen in humans to cure diseases since the same can also happen for plant life forms. Genetically modified crops have been popular in our own country, Bangladesh, where in 2013, “Bt”, i.e. biotech brinjal was successfully released as the country’s first commercially released biotech crop. The following success led to the testing and development of three more crops; Late blight resistant potato, Bt cotton and vitamin – A enriched golden rice.

Once released, late blight resistant potatoes will save farmers from spending a fortune in fungicides. Bt cotton will turn out to be a boost for the profitable cotton/textile industry of the country whilst golden rice could address the prevalent Vitamin A deficiency in the country.

The Fusion of the Unlikely and Its Consequences:

Proper investment, calculated risk and handsome return is the goal of all businesses and investment in vague ideas would be unlikely for any investor. Since science and its prospects plus business and its effective return cannot be vivid for both parties, an unlikely fusion is the only option we are left with. However, the end result can be beneficial for both. If investors show interest, more research and development can be carried out which can facilitate more development of biotechnology as a result of which, the number of end consumer will increase. This means, the current market gap can be fulfilled efficiently through economies of scale.

Gradually, we can hope to see a prosperous industry being built from scratch and boom as a whole. Our annual brain drain will be minimized substantially with opportunities for foreign students and researchers to contribute if offers remain lucrative which can enrich our international prestige.

The concept of biotechnology is immense by itself. Firstly, both parties involved needs to understand the best possible sector to invest in and research on. Even biogas as a form of renewable energy can be a promising sector to invest in if marketed correctly. Waste management, use of plastic and biodegradable products are gradually becoming popular with wide scope for first movers.

Therefore, the transition and the trend of accepting change needs to develop among everyone if we are to see sustainable growth in the following arena. Change is crucial but if done ethically while keeping it profitable, it can affect the lives of the mass positively and cater to a better version of the world tomorrow.

Mushfiq writes,

"Plain, simple and ordinary.

A marketer in the making, driven by coffee and dreams!
Favorite quote: '30 years from now, it won’t matter what jeans you wore or how your hair looked. What would matter is the things you have learned and how you have used it.'

Last but not the least, I am a car enthusiast who loves everything about cars, literally!"

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